Processing of JPEG photos online.

Make seamless texture online

Select a picture or texture on your computer or phone and then click OK. Other settings already installed by default.

Example tiling of usual ground photo without modification (on the left picture you can see the seams) and the seamless texture (picture on the right) of the ground after automatic processing on this website. In the settings of pre-averaging of dark and light areas was selected «intensity 20», other settings should be left by default:
Photography of ground, black soil Seamless texture of ground

Example tiling of the grass photo without changes and seamless grass texture created by «method No.4-B», for the pre-averaging of dark and light areas was specified «intensity 30», rest unchanged:
Photo of green grass Seamless texture of grass after processing

The original image is not changed. You will get processed texture and tile to check it seamlessness.

1) Select image in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF format:

2) Settings for creating a seamless texture

Method for creating a seamless texture: (best is the 2nd and 3rd method)
Tile format for checking the seamlessness: (it will be in a separate file)
Mark seams or edges of the image: (for tile file)
3) Additional settings

Pre-crop image in pixels:
Left:   Top:   Bottom:   Right:
Pre-averaging of dark and light areas of the image:
Intensity: (from 0 to 100, 0="disabled")  Radius: (1-20)
4) Output image format

JPEG with quality (from 1 to 100)
PNG-24 (without compression and without loss of quality)

  Processing usually lasts for 5-40 seconds
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