Processing of JPEG photos online.

Thermal imager effect from photo online

Select a picture on your computer or phone and then click OK. Other settings are installed by default.

Example of one picture without changes and five pictures with different settings of thermal imager:
Multi-colored clothespins, battery Kodak, water, original photo Thermal imager effect from photo 1 Thermal imager effect 2 Thermal imager effect 3 Thermal imager effect 4 Thermal imager effect 5

This online tool simulates the image displayed in the thermal imager, the device for monitoring temperature distribution on different objects or subjects. In the present thermal imager coldest objects are highlighted with blue color, hottest highlighted with red color.

The original image is not changed. You will be given other processed image.

1) Select image in JPEG format:

2) Settings of thermal imager:

standard sensitivity

cold picture 1

cold picture 2

hot picture 1

hot picture 2

3) JPEG compression settings

Quality (1-100)
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