Various image processing tools online
Select the desired online tool and then you will be shown a page to specify the image or the description of actions to create or verify anything.
List of the different online tools in alphabetical order:
3D picture | 3D picture to regular 2D image | Baseline or progressive JPEG | Color palette | Combine two pictures into one | Convert color | Create QR-code | Crop photo | Crop photo into ♥ ▲ various shapes | Cut image into pieces | Demotivator or motivator | Determine JPEG quality | Find differences | GIF-animation | Get dominant colors | Get size in megapixels | Get the number of colors | Identify similarity | Make progressive JPEG | Mix colors | Photo collage | Recognize text (OCR) | Replace white or single-color background with transparent | Resize image in inches or centimeters (cm) | Scan QR-code and barcode | Seamless texture | Tile or check texture seamless
Replace white with transparent
Automatic replacing of the white or single-color background with transparent or any other color
Automatic replacing of the white or single-color background with transparent or any other color

Convert stereoscopic 3D image to regular 2D image
Converting of the stereoscopic 3D image to a normal 2D, and also getting a stereopair (two pictures) from a single stereoscopic 3D image
Converting of the stereoscopic 3D image to a normal 2D, and also getting a stereopair (two pictures) from a single stereoscopic 3D image

Get dominant colors
Getting a palette of primary colors of image and table with their RGB and HEX values
Getting a palette of primary colors of image and table with their RGB and HEX values

Demotivator and motivator
Automatic creation of a motivator or demotivator from one or several images
Automatic creation of a motivator or demotivator from one or several images

Resize image in inches or centimeters
Automatic resizing of photo in inches or centimeters considering DPI for printing on paper
Automatic resizing of photo in inches or centimeters considering DPI for printing on paper
Get size in megapixels
And also to get the size in pixels, megabytes and display the total number of pixels
And also to get the size in pixels, megabytes and display the total number of pixels
Scan QR, Barcode and DataMatrix code
Recognition of the QR, Barcodes and DataMatrix codes on photos online
Recognition of the QR, Barcodes and DataMatrix codes on photos online

Make progressive JPEG image without compression
Below you can see the difference between baseline and progressive JPEG after downloading by 50%
Below you can see the difference between baseline and progressive JPEG after downloading by 50%

Mix colors
Automatic mixing of the two selected or specified colors
Automatic mixing of the two selected or specified colors
Color #1 | + | Color #2 | = | Result |
#FF0000 | #FFED00 | #FF7700 |