Mix two colors online
Select two colors to mix, and then click OK at the bottom of the page. Other settings already installed by default.
Example of mixing red and yellow colors on this website, under each color shows the HEX (html) code:
Color #1 | + | Color #2 | = | Result |
#FF0000 | #FFED00 | #FF7700 |
Example of mixing the spring-green and magenta (purple) colors that you can pick from the palette:
Color #1 | + | Color #2 | = | Result |
#00FF7F | #FF00FF | #7F7FBF |
Example of mixing red and blue color:
Color #1 | + | Color #2 | = | Result |
#FF0000 | #0047AB | #7F2356 |
Example of mixing blue and yellow color:
Color #1 | + | Color #2 | = | Result |
#0047AB | #FFED00 | #7F9956 |
If you're interested, this site also has a getting of primary colors of image with displaying table of the colors in hex and rgb format, with a drawing of the palette from the right side of image.