Resize image in pixels online
Select a picture on your computer or phone, specify needed for you size in pixels and then click OK button at the bottom of this page. All other settings are already installed by default. Also you can qualitatively enlarge small image or change size in: inches or centimeters (for printing) | megapixels | percentage | megabytes (compress).
For resizing with keeping spect ratio, it is possible to specify only one side, for example, only "Width" of image and "Height" parameter can be specified empty. So the second emty parameter is automatically adjusted to the desired value.
To make a square picture, you need to specify the same Width and Height in pixels, for example, 1080x1080 (this size is used on the website and select in settings "Cropping of excess edges..." for type of resizing.
Here you can also resize and automatically crop wallpaper to size of your desktop. To do this, enter the width and height of your monitor in pixels 1280 x 720 and select type of resizing "Cropping of excess edges".
The original image does not change in any way. You will be given other processed image and its size in pixels and megabytes before and after resizing.