Processing of JPEG photos online.

Make matte picture online

Select a picture on your computer or phone, specify the desired color shade and then click OK. Other settings already installed by default.

Examples of pictures with red, orange and blue matte shade, made on this website:
Матовая картинка с красным оттенком Матовая фотография с оранжевым оттенком Фото с синим матовым оттенком

This online tool adds to the photo matte shade of a certain color. If you need a matte picture without color shade, then just select the white color (last in the settings).

The original image is not changed. You will get other processed image.

1) Select image in JPEG format:

2) Matte picture settings

Choice of the main color shade:

Intensity of the color shade: (from 1 to 100)
3) JPEG compression settings

Quality (1-100)

  Processing usually lasts for 2-30 seconds.
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